We won a trip to Australia!

Emily and I won a contest from a radio station here in New Zealand called The Hits, where we had to make a 30 second video saying why we should win. Here’s our winning entry:


I was called at about 7am, which is too early! I was sleeping when they called me live on air and told me we had won a trip for 2 to Brisbane for 2 nights, with activates all planned and the whole trip being filmed for a tourism video. Filming travel videos is a dream job of mine, thats why I do JmeJpn so I couldn’t wait
We met up with the videographer once we landed and went straight to our hotel where we were greeted by our chauffeur who then took us out to the first activity, the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. It was fun, and the art was certainly… interesting. Okay, I don’t know a lot about art. And being filmed while trying to show our real reactions was a bit of a challenge when we had to recreate them, and we also couldn’t be shy around the camera even when people were looking.


We then went on a walk around tour of Brisbane, which was cool since the tour guide wasn’t your usual one. She does it as a hobby and doesn’t get paid, and she also grew up in the area, so rather than getting a boring tour for tourists we were taken around by a local and shown places tour groups wouldn’t normally see.
The next day was definitely my favourite. We got up early and were taken to a ferry. We were off to Tangalooma, a tropical island resort, which they failed to tell me is where they filmed the first Scooby Doo movie! Woo! It was Spooky Island. This beach was like nothing I’ve ever seen, it was amazing. After arriving we were shown around, the island is known for its shipwrecks which we later got to snorkel around. The wildlife was amazing underwater, I’ve never seen anything like it. We were in the water for about an hour, the current was kind of strong but we still had fun. We couldn’t get too close to the wrecks, being so old they are just covered in rust.
After resting for a while after snorkelling we went on a quad bike tour. I’ve been quad biking on farms before but not on the beach, and driving in sand is so much fun, I was slipping and sliding everywhere! the tour lasted about 40 minutes which was enough time to have a good look around the island.


The end of the day was definitely my favorite, dolphin feeding! The resort’s most popular attraction is the dolphin feeding. All the dolphins are wild and come to the same beach every night around 7:00 for feeding. During that time the beach is cut up into 5 or so rows and the dolphins always return to the same one, so people feeding can line up in the different rows and all get a turn. The trainers told us they make sure not to feed them too much so they aren’t dependent on the feeding. It was amazing, we got our own row because we had a film crew. The dolphin we fed was called Echo.
The next day was more of a free day with out the film crew so we just ventured around.
We found a mall…. yaaaaaay -_-



All up it was an amazing trip so big ups to Queensland tourism! Thanks guys!


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