Ep 01 – Akiba & Shibuya

Straight of the plane to Japan our first stop is Akihabara the Electrical Town! Akiba is well known for it’s streets filled with pop culture flavored shops.  Anime, Manga & Electronics stores fill only some of the buildings, with themed Cafes and Game Centers also occupying a large amount of space! Watch Jamie totally geek out and buy enough manga to fill his suitcase!

Later on we visit Shibuya (or as Jamie likes to say Sha-boo-ya!) well-known for the Shibuya scramble, one of the busiest pedestrian crossings in the world! Watch us discover that after forty-minutes of filming that cameras aren’t allowed in Starbucks Shibuya and still use the footage anyway! ..Yeah we’re pretty rebellious I know.

Shibuya Badass

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